Sabtu, 28 September 2019

Cara menyingkat Link (Tautan) yang Panjang

Apakah kamu butuh link yang ringkas agar mudah dibagikan kepada orang lain? Seringkali link website atau form yang ingin kita bagikan terdiri atas karakter yang sangat panjang. Coba persingkat link yang kamu inginkan disini:

Kamu tinggal copy paste link yang perlu dipersingkat pada halaman tersebut, klik singkatkan, lalu singkatan link nya akan muncul. Selamat mencoba.

Sometimes, we need to shorten the URL that we wanna share (especially in paper form). A few past years, I shared link that shorten by foreign URL shortener in a brochure. I curious at that time, why none of my nation's work for this kind of shortener appear in my search. Why didn't we have it?.

I was so proud another day when I read an article about an award  from our ministry for one of our nation's product. I'm glad that I can access it now. The most interested thing that It is the shortest one.

Everybody who is behind it, thank you for the work.

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